Ways to help when it matters most

Extended Family & Friends Support

Transform your real desire to help into real support for your family and friends living with Smith-Lemli-Opitz.
SLO Family of young men
Help. Support. Inspire hope.

Making life easier

We know you want to make life easier for family members and friends living with Smith-Lemli-Opitz. Let us help you transform real desire into real support.

Below are ideas of some ways you can help and support your family and friends as they navigate life with Smith-Lemli-Opitz.

Ways to Help

Donate to the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation to support family programs

Donations to the Foundation help all our families equally as our programs are here for everyone. For $250 (or more) you gift families with the priceless value of network support.

Sponsor a family to attend an SLOS Family Medical Conference

You can help your friends or family attend a valuable and supportive
SLOS Family Medical Conference.
Give • $250 • $500 • $750 • or $1,000 to get them there!

Host a fundraiser for the Foundation

Your support of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation enables it to continue its support of your friends and family through its network, education opportunities, and research funds.

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation: Families, Carriers, & Professionals Private Facebook Group

on Facebook

Smith-Lemli-Opitz Foundation:
Families, Friends, Carriers & Professionals Group

A private forum for families, friends, carriers, and professionals with a connection to or affected by Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. We review each request to join the group and reserve the right to deny entry into the group.

To be considered a member of this Facebook group:

Request membership to the group on the SLOF group’s Facebook page and answer all the qualifying questions required upon requesting to join the group.


What Our Members Say